DinoRoar Alley

Click a parcel on the map or choose from the available parcels in the list below.  Don't forget to create a WAX wallet first!

Journey back to a time when dinosaurs ruled the earth on DinoRoar Alley. Hunt mighty prey or become it! Help create communities and protect them from rampaging Jurassic beasts.

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 2

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 2


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 6

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 6


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 9

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 9


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 14

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 14


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 1

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 1


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 3

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 3


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 4

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 4


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 5

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 5


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 7

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 7


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 8

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 8


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 10

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 10


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 11

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 11


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 12

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 12


DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 13

DinoRoar Alley 100 Plot Parcel 13


DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 5

DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 5


DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 11

DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 11


DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 1

DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 1


DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 2

DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 2


DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 3

DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 3


DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 4

DinoRoar Alley 64 Plot Parcel 4
